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鍏充簬鍗板彂銆婅嫃宸炲ぇ瀛 ぇ鍨嬩华鍣ㄨ 澶囧叡浜 鐞嗗姙娉曪紙璇曡 锛夈 嬬殑閫氱煡. 鍏充簬鍗板彂銆婅嫃宸炲ぇ瀛 叧浜庡姞寮哄疄楠屾暀瀛 ず鑼冧腑蹇冩暀瀛 缓璁剧殑瀹炴柦鎰忚 銆嬬殑閫氱煡. 鍏充簬鍒涘缓锛堝缓璁撅級瀹為獙鏁欏 绀鸿寖涓 績鐨勬湁鍏宠 瀹? 04 Autumn Batch涓村簥鎶 鑳藉 绔欏紡鑰冩牳鏂规. 鍏充簬瀵逛竷骞村埗涓村簥鍖诲 涓撲笟杩涜 涓 湡鑰冩牳鐨勯 氱煡. 涓村簥鍖诲 涓 绯诲嚭绉戣 冭瘯瀹夋帓琛? 03绾т复搴婁笓涓氭瘯涓氭搷浣滆 冭瘯鍙婃暀瀛 鏌ラ 氱煡. 04绉嬪 娴峰 鐣欏 鐢熶复搴婃妧鑳借 缁冨畨鎺掕. 鑻忓窞澶у 涓村簥鎶 鑳藉疄楠屾暀瀛 腑蹇冨缓璁炬垚鏁? 鑻忓窞澶у 涓村簥鎶 鑳藉疄楠屾暀瀛 腑蹇冪畝浠? .
Click on a white paper topic below to read an overview of the topic and reveal a link to download the white paper. Optimizing the 5 GHz Band. This document contrasts the key physical, regulatory, and interference characteristics of the 2. 4 GHz and 5 GHz bands and how these characteristics impact critical Wi-Fi operational aspects such as performance and reliability. The document also provides recommendations for optimal dual-band deployments in hospitals.
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